Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Today I received this award form the lovely Zara -http://www.lifesprettyvisions.com/- Her blog is lovely and she is so sweet! Thank you for the award :) 
Okay so here are the rules:
1You have to thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog -Done :) -thank you again :)
2. You then share 7 facts about yourself. 
1.I really enjoy photography and I own a sony dsc-hx100v. 
2.I love everything vintage -and I have a slightly obsession with it
3.One of my goals in life is to travel to all different places and to be happy wherever I am (I know, corny)   
4.I have a phobia of spiders. Hate them, can't stand them, they disgust me. 
5.I enjoy reading books :)
6.My dream job would be to work in the fashion and modelling industry.
7.And last but not least, I like to play and experiment with makeup! 
3. You have to send the award on to 15 other bloggers whose blogs you appreciate and then let them know that they have been given the award.
This are the blogs I enjoy reading!
(no particular order)
-Zoe from schoee.blogspot.com
-Zara from lifesprettyvisions.com
-Louise from sprinkleofglitter.blogspot.com
-Lily from llymlrs.com
-Lexi from fashionfilth.com
-Sarah from almostdelightful.com
-Jenny from lifeisfullofbeautyx.blogspot.com
-Sophie from sophieismadeup.com
-Laura from passionaboutfashion.blogspot.com
-Jamie from thefancyteacup.blogspot.com
-Olivia (Dolly) from oliviadollydaydream.blogspot.com
-Anna Elisabeth from annnaelisabeth.blogspot.com
-Jess from lashingsofmascaraon.blogspot.com

They are all really lovely girls!
Diana :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mini Mini Haul

Today I went to do a little shopping; Well, I just really wanted a REVLON lipstick called "wine... something" (Yes, I forgot the name so I couldn't find it.) But another one caught my eye! It was "Strawberry Suede" -005- I know it may look like an orangy red but it's actually a really pretty matte pink. 

 I also bought a REVLON nail varnish in "Vintage" -570-; And I know it looks like a purple-kind-of-pink colour but on your nails it turns out kind of red. 

And at last, I bought some velcro rollers. Now, I only bought five because I need bigger ones! So I'm gonna try these ones out first, and then I'll decide if I need a bunch of little ones or for sure the bigger ones. So we'll see. 

So that is my mini mini haul :) I also bought some things to work out but I think I'm going to blog about health and work-outs. 
And hopefully I'll improve the lighting in the photos.
I shall see you soon xx

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Birds ♥

Today was a beautiful day so I decided to take pictures of birds (I love them). But unfortunately none of them wanted to be photographed *sigh*. Although I did capture a lovely one :)